What the? Can it be? Yes, it can, already the stupidity has begun. Already CEOs of various companies, especially in the entertainment industry, are ruining life for everyone. Myspace is about to tank. What's next? THIS.

Doesn't look familiar, sort of? Hopefully it won't. This is a "new" series coming out on Syfy called 'Being Human'. All you need to know is the premise. A vampire, werewolf, and ghost become roomates. Yep, that's the plot. It's a popular BBC show (that's where the picture above is from), but Syfy picked up the idea and is creating a "new" series based on it. I love Syfy for its horrible monster films with the greatest of worst acting, but this? Really, I mean, how much further can you go after the first episode? Hey man, did you run around like a wolf last night and eat a deer and then wake up cursing your existence? Yeah dood, what did you do? Bit some chick but tried to hold back at first, then my undead instincts took over and I went all Bram Stoker's Dracula on her ass. How about you ghost girl? I floated around and shit and no one could see me and it was hilarious because I did funny things they couldn't see. Kewl. Next episode. What did you do today vampire man? Looked creepily at some girl, she wanted me, and then we did it and shit and I think I bit her or something, you? I howled or something and then ate some cheese. I wish I could eat cheese. Sorry, ghost girl, dun dun dun music as she makes a 'sorry guys' shrug to the camera and it fades out. Next episode...
On a side note, best worst quote from a movie for 2010? Let's here it for...TAKERS. "We're takers man, that's what we do, we take." Wow, good one there. What do you take, takeables from takees? So here's to 2011 and a whole year of pop culture drivel! More please!
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